Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Under Construction Part 2b

...learning to live in and with the mess...
"But one thing i do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

So, what now? Well, we can complain about the mess and the perpetual feeling of incompleteness and be frustrated by the fact that life is always getting in the way. Or, we can change our tune, our attitude, our line of sight. Certainly the blueprint has been written, there is a vision to be grasped, and even something (more) glorious waiting in the end. The master builder is hard at work.

But thank God that He (thee Master Builder) doesn't use professional contractors to do the job, but He uses one Master Craftsman and a bunch of out of work, want-a-be apprentices, who have to pull as many nails as they put in – a Builder who patiently and kindly is willing to adjust the (our) plans even a little, to get us to the end. God loves our plans, our vision and our goals, and is eager to know them, but I think He takes even more pleasure in helping us adjust those plans to bring us to a place that is beyond our vision and scope. A place He has already prepared. We can rejoice that He would use us in the process, that He takes joy in the partnership and that He sees the final outcome even (or especially) as life gets in the way...

so God says...

"Commit to (Me) the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3 and...

"In His heart a man plans his course, bu (I) the LORD determines his steps." Prov. 16:9 and...

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is (My) the LORD's purpose that prevails."
Proverbs 19:21

...enjoying the ride...

"All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if at some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already obtained." Phil. 3:15

If we can understand, accept and learn to love the process – that we are not done, and we won't be anytime soon, maybe our frustration would subside – maybe we could be a little more patient. Maybe what we expect from others (usually a standard that we ourselves could never measure up to) will soften enough for us to love them where they are, instead of impatiently waiting for them to be where we think they should be.

To know, to be sure, that there is something amazing waiting at the end...

So, let's do this together. Let's be less concerned about what we're not, and more concerned about living (or loving) out what we've already become. Still, striving to be more, but not taking for granted – or underestimating what are.

The great thing is that we know, eventually the job will be done.


But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body. Phil 3:20-21

So lift your eyes... maybe the best part will be standing back with the Master Builder, looking at the finished project, and then, having seen it, Him, we can sigh that sigh, knowing that we did this together, God in me, God in us, God through us... as life happened.

But, until then, forgive our mess while we are under construction – but don't expect it to be done any time soon. I refuse to lose sight of the joy of the mess, the process of life as it happens.

So to each of us I want to say, it's ok, be patient and enjoy the ride.

Let us fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured to cross, scorning its shame...” Hebrews 12:2

Both us individually and us the church... taking all we have to offer and transforming it, us, into to something amazing ~ mosaic

Friday, December 26, 2008

under construction part 2a

If you remember (or, if just look down the page a couple inches) you might recall being encouraged that we are (all) under construction, none of us complete, and that this is actually quite normal. There isn't one of us who are or will be whole until we see God face to face.

Under Construction Part 2A relax, just a smidge and enjoy the process. Be patient with those around you who are less than polished... love the one who thinks they've made it...they'll figure it out someday. As for the rest of us, where do we go from here? Life and... in the mess...
Most of us know that the most difficult time to build is when you live in what you are building. Life happens – we've dreamed our dreams, made our plans, assembled our lists, and checked them twice. We've made a (sort-of) budget and we think, and we're pretty sure, that we've counted the cost (Jesus and the tower, Nehemiah and the wall), and now, having done everything we need to do to start (and finish) our project, we are convinced we are ready (and even a bit eager) to begin to build. We make our first (of many) trip to Lowes, we believe – no we're sure! - that we've got everything we need... this time. We get home, we move some furniture, lay down a couple of drop clothes and we dive in – thud! phone rings... we roll up our sleeves again – umph! A knock at the door... waaahhh! of the kids needs help... our spouse wasn't ready for us to start... “did we decide to do it that way...?” they say. The game's on... friends call, “we're on our way over...” Grrrr! In a rush, we pick up the drop clothes, put the pile of tools and supplies in the corner, put the furniture back... and wait for the next opportunity... and, life happens.

Here's a truth that we don't very often consider, not only are we all under perpetual construction, but we live in the very thing that is being built. And frankly, life happens.

...shouldn't I be a finished by now?
I think a big part of our frustration, especially as Christ followers, is that we expect to be done, a finished product, with nice measurable results. We believe the construction should be, will be, done one day, in our lifetime. We dream our dreams, make our lists, we do everything we think we should and have been taught to do to build this life... and, what? Life happens. Remember what my old acquaintance Mike said earlier? “...a faith which is unfinished, incomplete, and inexperienced. Messy Spirituality is a celebration of a discipleship which is under construction.” Yaconelli page 26-27

We just have this expectation that we should be complete. We sit and wait for that moment to come when we can breathe that (perpetual) sigh of relief, sit back and say “whew! I'm glad that's done!” but that day never seems to come. Even when we thought it was here, you know, we've conquered this task, finished that job, survived another moment of trial – relieved, we stop, take a moment to catch our breath, sigh that sigh, lean back and... as my friend Dolly Parton would so whimsically sing “here you come again” (can you hear the tune? I know, it's old – go get a 45... or, I mean, go to youtube!) life happens! Again!

It's a daunting task – life is. Everyday we get up, and it starts right back in, little to no relief from the construction; the noise, the mess – the dusty, messiness of life's big and small construction project. Is it ever going to end?

Well, let's see. No! Nope. Sorry. Not in this life. Paul said it this way:
"...Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.” Philippians 3:12-13

see you very soon for under construction part 2b

Friday, December 12, 2008

Messiness – authenticity – the construction is never finished

I am, we are under construction. Part 1

Building – a constant blur of motion and change – progressing toward an end that can just barely be made out on the horizon of our vision. Sometimes right according to plan, other times, maybe most times... well, let me see those drawings!

We are not a finished project...
For those who like to start a project and see it to its end, to be able to sit back and relish the final outcome, this will come as a bit of a shock, but you need to know, that in this life, we will never be finished, never quite complete. There it's been said! Now, on the other hand, for those of us who (already) appear to never be finished, or have a tendency that – while in the midst of one project see the absolute necessity of beginning the next one – this is the rarest of good news. Why? Because...

… and will never be...
...if you are like me, a multi-tasking-project-starter, and you find yourself (from time to time) up to your armpits in started projects at varying degrees of completion (or incompletion) – there is good news: maybe for the first time in our collective lives, there is something about us (and our apparently annoying penchant for adventure and the need for something else to do...) that represents our heavenly Father and His amazing and ONGOING work: that we, as individuals, and the church collectively, are not a finished project – and won't be until we see His face... we're not done yet! That's right! Not a single one of us! Not 'til He comes back! (I know, you finishers, you're thinking “Jesus said while He was on the cross 'it is finished' see, we told you, God is a finisher” and I will certainly concede that point. But!) Paul tried to break it to us gently “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”1Cor 13:12

We are all work zones; dusty, dirty, half finished noisy works in progress – all of us are under construction.


An old acquaintance said it this way: “Messy Spirituality is a description of the Christianity most of us live and that few of us admit. It is an attempt to break through the religious wall of secrecy and legitimize a faith which is unfinished, incomplete, and inexperienced. Messy Spirituality is a celebration of a discipleship which is under construction

Messy Spirituality is the scandalous assertion that following Christ is anything but tidy and neat, balanced and orderly. Far from it. Spirituality is complex, complicated, and perplexing – the disorderly, sloppy, chaotic look of authentic faith in the real world.” (emphasis mine) M.Yoconelli, Messy Spirituality

… in this life
we are all in a state of perpetual construction – enjoy it while it lasts! As God assembles us in this ragtag team of broken pieces, waiting and wondering as to what may come – let's remember that it is God putting us together one piece at a time, slowly and surely into something beautiful – a mosaic – under construction.

look out for part 2... coming soon to a theater near you

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We've got to start somewhere...

Hi, my name is Tony, well, Anthony, but you can call me Tony... or, Anthony. I am married and have 4 kids. I like sunrises and sunsets; trees and water; mountains and valleys; guitars, guitar playing and guitar music. I like football – especially the hitting part. Movies make me cry... so do my kids... and wife. I really enjoy creating, talking and teaching. I don't like to see people hurt or embarrassed; alone or left out. I don't get mad very easily, but I have a quick temper (you know, the agitated, frustrated, lets get moving kind of temper). Sometimes I think that I am a great guy – really funny – and other times... not so much. Sometimes I think “people must love me, maaan I'm great! …aren't you lucky you know me...” then I wonder if anyone even knows who I am, and think “what a butt-head I am...”

I want to be important and then be left alone.

I wonder sometimes how people live with themselves, then remember how hard it is to live with myself, most of the time...

… you know, that may be one of the most profound lines I've ever heard in a movie, as my good friend Captain Teague so eloquently stated “It's not just about living forever Jackie, it's about living with yourself forever.”

I like Mexican, Mexico and Mexicans... but, especially Mexican. I wish I could learn Spanish, but apparently not enough to really try.

To me, to us (the pingitores), we relish laughter... and we fight sometimes. We really protect each other(s dignity) and sometimes attack it. We really enjoy each other's company and then long to be alone. We like to eat, a lot, and then complain that we are fat and that our grocery bill is high.

I hate gossip... but indulge too often. I love to pray, but do too seldom. God's word is wonderful, and then... a chore.

I love people and hate to be with them, I hate people and love to be with them. I love to invest and complain about the time, I complain about investing and love to take the time...

I love church, but wish I didn't have to go; I love to go to church, but wish... and hope... and dream... about what it could be, should be...

I know Jesus loves me, but sometimes, I can only wonder how... or why... and I know I love Jesus and appreciate Him and all He's done, but sometimes, I forget or neglect.

Why share with you these things? Because I want to break the ice. I want you to see, at least a little, into my life and contradictions... I want to invite you to poke your head out of your shell, a little at a time, and as my daughter would say “meet me in the middle” be free, even a little.

To learn to laugh, some, even at our (own) tragedy – the contradictions that we each are – if we are just willing to admit and be honest...

Jesus said, “I have come to set the captives free...”. “Free from what?” We might ask. Maybe the first thing is our shell, our fear, the start... of something new.

Until we learn to admit that we are broken, we will remain that way.

...broken pieces, brought together by God's gracious and skillful hands, to make something beautiful ~ mosaic