under construction - the last bit
why does it have to be construction?
We are creatures of habit and are used to what is. I mean, we sense that what is isn't what it could be or should be, but we are comfortable – with where we are, what we are... we know it (that place), it is the easiest and least expensive place to be... I mean, “...it's paid for, I'm dry, well fed, it might not be the nicest house on the street, or room in the house, but it's ok... sufficient...”
where do we go from here? (2peter 2:4-10)
I want to be under perpetual construction – reminded daily – that I am not a finished product yet (assured that my Father loves me and that I am covered mercifully by His grace, and I am seated in the heaven's Ephesians 1 & 2, but) that I have not arrived, i am not finished.
It is God who works in you... (phil 2:12-17)
When no appreciable result can be easily measured, we must trust in the person, nature and character of God...
I want to remember that this building project is never ending – that the God that I serve, the God who loves me with such intensity – has depth that is unsearchable. That for all eternity, in His presence, I will never, can never exhaust His mysteries, His love, His attributes, His grace – that everyday, even then, His mercies will be new. (lamentations 3:23)
waiting and watching
He will be building me eternally, a wondrous adventure of discovery of all things God – glorious, magnificent, powerful, beautiful, mysterious, creative, joyous... wonder-full.
If that is what (I think) our eternity is like, how can I expect this life to be any different – at least in terms of having “made it”.
but, it's not about being sufficient... is it?
Isn't it about something much more glorious than that...
...than sufficient?
drab, dark, dirty, dingy, … dang it!
I guess, for my money, sufficient isn't enough. It's just not. I want something greater, more significant, more costly... I want something more, more importantly, God wants something more for Him and for us. (Malachi 1)
Something only construction can bring – newness – everyday newness.
keep your eyes up
So, as we go about our journey together, as we join the Master Craftsman in the work that He has already begun (and has promised to finish), let us remember what it was that we were called from, what it is that we looked like when He/we began and rejoice daily in the mercies we've already experienced and the alterations already made and live up to what has been done ("Only let us live up to what we have already attained.” Phil 3:15), striving for what is next and patiently loving those around us who are in various conditions and stages of un-done-ness and remember (Lamentations 23:19-26)

so forgive our mess, we're under construction...
and don't expect it to end any time soon, thank God ~ assembling fragile and broken pieces into to something significantly beautiful ~ mosaic
Not exactly a neatly folded process. Its amazing to me that God accepts our "mess" and wants to help us "construct" and use all of our broken pieces to be a part of His master plan.