It’s all about the relationship(s)
God and Christianity are about relationships:
God to God; God to man; man to God; man to man...
Before creation, before time, God lived and moved – in Him was light and life (John 1)
and in Him was relationship. Sometimes we get the idea that God had children because He was lonely, or needed companionship, or purpose, in fact none of that is true. God was and is and forever will be perfect and complete, not lacking anything – and that includes relationship. You see, God is relationship – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Perfect in function and form, perfect in unity and purpose, perfect in relationship to Himself and each other – the mystery of God – His persons and his person, self contained – the trinity. Perfect in relationship, that is God.
I believe that relationship is what God is about. The whole of the Bible is the story of relationship, God’s relationship to Himself in the trinity and what God was willing to do to create, ensure, redeem, restore, and insure our relationship with Him. He has never existed outside of relationship; He created us to be in relationship (Gen 1, 2) – with Him and each other – and has gone to great lengths to preserve that relationship.
God is glorified by relationships. The most important thing in the universe is God’s glory – and He and we accomplish His glory through relationship (Rom 9, John 15-17, Eph 1, 2, 1John 4).
God’s purposes and ministry are accomplished through relationships. Because I believe these things to be true, I believe that this is God’s intent for His people – to be in relationships. To worship, connect, grow, serve and reach out with and to each other – in and through relationships; Christianity, ministry, Church is about nothing but relationships. The reality that God would invite us to join Him in relationship and then give us the privilege of inviting others to be a part is nothing less than magnificent! (Matt 28)
I beleive that that is what we are called to, that is ministry – more than that – that is Church. And, that is what we are asked, even commanded to be a part of… relationships.
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
John 13:34-35
...broken pieces brought together by God's creative and gracious hands to make something beautiful – meaningful – significant – glorious...
God and Christianity are about relationships:
God to God; God to man; man to God; man to man...
Before creation, before time, God lived and moved – in Him was light and life (John 1)

I believe that relationship is what God is about. The whole of the Bible is the story of relationship, God’s relationship to Himself in the trinity and what God was willing to do to create, ensure, redeem, restore, and insure our relationship with Him. He has never existed outside of relationship; He created us to be in relationship (Gen 1, 2) – with Him and each other – and has gone to great lengths to preserve that relationship.
God is glorified by relationships. The most important thing in the universe is God’s glory – and He and we accomplish His glory through relationship (Rom 9, John 15-17, Eph 1, 2, 1John 4).
God’s purposes and ministry are accomplished through relationships. Because I believe these things to be true, I believe that this is God’s intent for His people – to be in relationships. To worship, connect, grow, serve and reach out with and to each other – in and through relationships; Christianity, ministry, Church is about nothing but relationships. The reality that God would invite us to join Him in relationship and then give us the privilege of inviting others to be a part is nothing less than magnificent! (Matt 28)
I beleive that that is what we are called to, that is ministry – more than that – that is Church. And, that is what we are asked, even commanded to be a part of… relationships.
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
John 13:34-35
...broken pieces brought together by God's creative and gracious hands to make something beautiful – meaningful – significant – glorious...
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